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We Are Version 47

Meeting business needs with beautiful video content is our love language.

Our mission is to help clients better keep up with the crazy pace of today's video content consumption.

To us, this mission means integrating the worlds of video production and code through clever applications of custom video automation, because these days, one video is never enough.

Our bread and butter is producing really good looking commercial video content, with a focus on clever concepts, uniquely useful copy, beautifully shot footage, and stand out design and animation.

We distinguish ourselves from all the other video content creators out there in the way that we deliver the final product, not to the audience, but to you, the Client.

When it’s time to deliver, we don’t just send you the final edit and call it done, we package up all of the brand or campaign key art and footage, and make it available to you in a streamlined, web based software that allows you to create ongoing video content at the push of a button.

Delivering Different
v47 iterator

This proprietary software, which we’ve affectionately named “iterator”, is what sets the v47 client experience apart. Think of it as an easy bake oven for video content, after we’ve scripted and produced and delivered the first video, the easy bake oven lets you use that same recipe to bake unlimited bite size videos, whenever you want!

How does it work?
In the same way that you flatten art layers to make a PDF, the layers in a video file are flattened before being delivered, this “baking” process is called rendering. Our software designates certain layers as “dynamic” and allows you to change those layers in an easy to use web based application and render fresh video content, on demand.
What can be updated to make new video content?
Footage, Audio, Vector Art, Text, Color, Images and more are all examples of layer types that can be changed with updated inputs, WHENEVER the need arises.
So you make a Template? Cool cool.
Well no, not really templates at all. We’re combining the power of custom software features with the impact of custom video content, both of which are tooled to match your needs exactly.


Templates communicate generically to a broad audience.

Custom Content Is King

We are here to serve the audience, and we believe custom videos are the best way to connect with them. We don’t do templates.

Audience Connections

We flip the template idea around by offering multiple ways to connect with a very specific audience using custom video content made fresh, by you.

The Content Gap

This ease of iteration fills the content gaps we all face with beautifully designed, branded video content in a way that isn’t possible without the iterator, or maybe a big stack of dollars.

Data-Driven Design

With more videos comes more engagement, and with more engagement comes data-driven design and story decisions about the next investment in video content.

Our Values
A little bit about      
     what makes us tick.

Speak Truth

We are direct and honest in our dealings.

Stay Curious

Ask why above all else, assume nothing, and commit to learning and teaching.

Be Nimble

Minimize the time between idea and implementation, iterate, innovate, and evolve. Daily.

Show Respect

Respect process, team, and audience. We live to deliver, but nobody gets to be an asshole.


Or be gone. This is a meritocracy, and our promise is to earn the next project by making beautifully executed, patently cool shit that gets results with the intended audience.

About Us
Tyler Durrett Wes Kennison
Wes Kennison
Tyler Durrett

Version 47 is the brainchild of Commercial Filmmaker Wes Kennison and Interactive Content Producer Tyler Durrett. They leverage a combined 30 years of experience in their respective fields through an international group of collaborating designers, animators, developers, writers, editors, and other video production freelancers.


We work exclusively with Creative Advertising and Marketing agencies passionate about creating great work for their clients, and we’re looking for perfect fits.

If you think that’s you, we would be honored to meet you. Answer a few quick questions below and we will be in touch.

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